Copywriting is crucial for crafting compelling website content that resonates with your target audience and drives conversions. But with so many different copywriting techniques out there, it can be challenging to know which style is most effective for your business.
In this post, we’ll explore 5 of the most proven copywriting frameworks you can use to boost engagement and persuade visitors to take action on your website.
1. Before-After-Bridge (BAB)
The Before-After-Bridge (BAB) style is a simple yet highly effective copywriting technique. As the name suggests, it has three components:
Before: Describe the reader’s status quo or current situation, usually highlighting a problem, frustration or pain point. Help them recognize why change is needed.
After: Paint a picture of the desired future state once the problem is solved. Show the benefits and improvements they’ll experience with your product/service.
Bridge: Introduce your product or service as the bridge to get them from the ‘before’ state to the ‘after’. Explain how you can solve their problem.
Here’s an example BAB style copy:
Before: Struggling with an outdated, clumsy website that’s driving away potential customers? Worried your site doesn’t convey professionalism and credibility?
After: Imagine having a sleek, modern website that effortlessly attracts your ideal customers and makes the perfect first impression.
Bridge: With our web design services, we’ll work closely with you to build an effective website that aesthetically represents your brand while converting more visitors.
This style works because it connects with the reader’s frustrations, shows them a better future, and positions your business as the solution.
2. Problem-Agitation-Solution (PAS)
The Problem-Agitation-Solution (PAS) framework is another highly persuasive copywriting technique. As the name hints, it has three stages:
Problem: Introduce a major concern, frustration or pain point your target audience is facing.
Agitation: Elaborate on the problem and intensify the reader’s agony by focusing on negative consequences, costs, or impacts if the issue remains unresolved.
Solution: Present your product or service as the perfect solution to alleviate their struggles. Explain benefits and describe how you can transform their situation.
Here is an example PAS style copy:
Problem: Feeling overwhelmed trying to juggle parenting, work, household duties, and managing your personal needs?
Agitation: The constant stress of trying to do it all can take a toll on your mental health, relationships, and physical wellbeing over time.
Solution: Our personalized virtual assistant service provides the flexible support you need to relieve stress and restore balance, so you can thrive in all areas of life again.
This style works well because it taps into the reader’s emotions, amplifies their pain points, and positions your brand as the hero who can solve their problems.
3. Features-Advantages-Benefits (FAB)
The Features-Advantages-Benefits (FAB) framework focuses on communicating what makes your product or service valuable in a persuasive way. It includes:
Features: Objective descriptions of attributes or components of what you’re offering.
Advantages: An explanation of how those features are better than alternatives.
Benefits: A summary of the tangible and intangible value the reader will gain.
Here’s an example FAB copy:
Features: Our booking platform is easy to use with drag-and-drop calendar integration, automated reminders and text messaging.
Advantages: Unlike other booking systems, our seamless UX and automation saves your staff time so they can focus on client care vs administrative work.
Benefits: Reduce double bookings, minimize no-shows, and deliver professionalism that impresses your customers.
This style works because it moves from concrete details about your offering to increasingly persuasive statements about the value it provides.
4. Picture-Promise-Proof-Push (4P)
The Picture-Promise-Proof-Push (4P) copywriting style is excellent for crafting compelling opening hooks and concluding calls to action. It includes:
Picture: Paint an aspirational image the reader will relate to. Spark interest by tapping into desires or frustrations.
Promise: Introduce your solution as the path to achieve the desired state described in the picture.
Proof: Provide evidence like testimonials, stats or case studies that reinforce your promise.
Push: Add a concluding call-to-action to have the reader take immediate action.
Here is a 4P example:
Picture: Imagine waking up tomorrow with energy and focus to take on anything, no longer feeling those midday slumps.
Promise: Our natural supplement blend is carefully formulated to increase energy, mental clarity and improve productivity.
Proof: In a recent study, 8/10 users reported feeling more energized within 30 minutes of taking a dose.
Push: Try our risk-free sample today and experience the benefits for yourself.
This style works well because the picture draws the reader in, while the promise, proof and push motivate them to buy or convert.
5. Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA)
The Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA) framework is one of the cornerstones of classic copywriting. It involves:
Attention: Opening hook using contrasting or surprising statements to capture interest.
Interest: Provide more details and information to keep the reader engaged.
Desire: Use vivid descriptions to build an emotional connection and evoke desire.
Action: Motivate the reader to take immediate action with a concluding CTA.
Here’s an AIDA example:
Attention: Still relying on pen and paper to run your business? There’s an easier way…
Interest: Our business management software streamlines your operations with inventory, invoicing, scheduling, and customer management tools—all in one place.
Desire: Imagine easily keeping track of finances, inventory, and customer details with just a few clicks, saving hours of time and hassle.
Action: Join hundreds of businesses already saving 15+ hours a week with our platform. Sign up today!
This style works because it recognizes the reader’s need for awareness and understanding before they can fully desire and act.
The Takeaway
While there are many copywriting frameworks, the above 5 styles (BAB, PAS, FAB, 4P and AIDA) have proven effective for crafting website content, landing pages, advertisements and more.
Test different formats and choose the style that best resonates with your audience and motivates them to convert. Pay attention to what copy elements grab their attention and inspire action.
Remember, the most important part of any copywriting is understanding your reader. Keep their needs, desires and emotions at the heart of your messaging. With the right copy style and audience insight, you can create content that truly connects and converts.